Whale watching is an activity that lots of people dream of doing, but not a lot of people know much about it. We’ve put together a few questions about whale watching that we get asked all the time at the roadhouse. Hope they help.
When should I go?
The whale season in its entirety runs from 1st of June to the 30th of October but the real peak of the season happens July to August.
What sort of whales will I see?
Southern Right Whales are the mainly what you will find but you’ll also see some Humpback Whales as they migrate to WA at the same time.
How do you know the whales are going to come there?
Southern Right Whales feed down in Antarctica during the summer months. Once they’re stocked up on food they migrate directly north to warmer waters so they can breed during the colder winter months. Australia is the first landmass they hit on this migration and the Bight becomes the ideal playground for mating season.
Do you really see that many whales?
You bet! Whilst you see whales all season long during the peak there will as many as 100 whales mating and breaching in the bay! Both calves and fully grown whales are seen and they get as close as 100 metres from the shore! From the tall cliffs at Head of Bight it feels like you’re standing on top of them.
Why should I go to Head of Bight? You can watch whales all over Australia can’t you?
Well for one the facilities at Head of the Bight are first class. The viewing platforms are big and positioned in the perfect spot. You get a vantage point of the bay looking both east and west, so it doesn’t matter where the whales are. There’s also wheelchair access for all the viewing points and a great picnic area as well.
But you’re right there are heaps of whale watching spots all over Australia, however there’s something really special about the Nullarbor road-trip and seeing the Bight. The Bunda Cliffs are a sight every Australian needs to see at least once in their life and if you can see some whales at the same time why not!
Got any tips for whale watching?
Pack a good set of binoculars. Best to buy them before your journey so you’ve got a bigger selection of price and quality to see what suits your needs. Aside from this it helps to pack a lunch and don’t forget to slip slop slap cause there isn’t shade out on the platforms.
Whale watching seems like a one day thing. What else can I do?
You’re on one of Australia’s most iconic road-trips you wally! There’s soo much to see and do on the Nullarbor and Eyre Highway and if you do need more ideas chat to us when you stop in at Nullarbor Roadhouse.
We’re kind of experts….
If you do need somewhere to stay for whale season we’re only 20 kms away from the Head of Bight whale watching. Check availability and click here for motel and caravan park bookings.
Photo Credits:
Hey baby! Amazing photos of newborn whale calves playing in the waters off the South Australian coast
Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation Gallery